November 10, 2013

ANSWERED PRAYER: On March 20-23 and April 3, you prayed for a missionary baby who was very sick, requiring medical evacuation to the States. This update shared last week by Grady’s Mom is long, but if you prayed for him and his family, you will want to read of this miracle!

"Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion." Psalm 103:2-4
Grady will be one year old this week. And what a year it has been! I've come to this birthday with mixed feelings, honestly. Joy for his life and rejoicing over the fact that he is here with us. But every so often, I feel a tug at my heart as I remember the other children's first birthdays and sense the depth of difference. However, the Master has begun to fade these 'tuggings' as we've watched Grady come alive this last week. Smiles, goofy (and I mean tongue hanging out GOOFY) grins, chuckles, happy gurgles, coos and a whole bunch of toe-grabbing-roly-poly-wiggles have filled our house in spite of his recent illnesses.
And then, if that was not enough, God Himself met me at the cardiology clinic yesterday to give us Grady's very own birthday present. Healing. His heart is completely better. No explanation. Healed. The myopathy (thickening of the walls of the heart) was just not there. His last 3 heart scans had shown progressive thickening, but yesterday's scan showed a healthy heart. We'd heard that his heart was not as bad as we thought in April, but it turned out that while some things were better, we were almost immediately hit with more heart troubles after that news. But this is different according to his doctors. This is a 'normal' heart replacing a 'bad' heart. As proof, the clinic dropped us from the 2-3 month follow up schedule and said they would see us in 6-12 months from now!
My broken-hearted boy, who we were told only 6 months ago needed a heart transplant but wasn't eligible, who we were told could leave us at any time and we needed to prepare ourselves for the inevitable, our boy today got all but a clean bill of health from his cardiology team. Now how's that for a Mighty God and a very happy happy happy birthday?!?!?!

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